Life, Peace and Justice

The primary mission of the Office for Life, Peace and Justice is centered on Catholic Social Teaching’s recognition of human dignity and the sanctity of life for all persons from conception to natural death, welcoming the immigrant, and caring for the prisoner. We seek to spread the Gospel through education, advocacy, and pastoral support for the marginalized individuals and communities throughout the Diocese of San Diego. We also help and resource the parishes to build upon their own social ministry programs.

Upcoming Events

Our Ministries

Family Life and Spirituality, Life, Peace and Justice
Culture of Life
Care for Creation and Environmental Issues
Restorative Justice
Catholic Campaign for Human Development
Racial Justice


Election: Faithful Citizenship

Culture of Life

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Restorative Justice

Catholic Campaign for Human Development

Care for Creation and Environmental Issues

Office of Life, Peace & Justice


Robert Ehnow, PhD
Phone: (858) 490-8375
rehnowEmail at


Maria de Lourdes Valencia
Associate Director, Culture of Life
Phone: (858) 490-8323
mvalenciaEmail at


Christina Slentz, PhD
Associate Director, Creation Care
Phone: (858) 490-8327
cslentzEmail at


Carolina Diaz-Romero
Administrative Assistant
Phone: (858) 490-8324
cdiaz-romeroEmail at


Rev. Emmet Farrell
Spiritual Advisor, Creation Care
efarrellEmail at